What is Endo Global Group?

Led by Dr. William Kondo, a globally renowned endometriosis surgeon, the ENDO GLOBAL GROUP brings together a distinguished team of experts with over 120 years of collective experience. Dr. Kondo, recognized among the top three endometriosis surgeons worldwide, has an impressive track record of over 5,000 successful surgeries. Dr. Ramiro Cabrera and Dr. Jorge Zavala contribute their expertise in minimally invasive surgery and surgical oncology, respectively. Dr. Monica Tessman and Dr. Carlos Trippia enhance the team’s capabilities in gynecological surgery and imaging diagnoses for endometriosis. Dr. Fabián Walters, an expert in reproductive medicine, further strengthens the group’s proficiency in complex fertility treatments. This ensemble ensures unparalleled care, meeting the expectations of patients worldwide.

What is Endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a pelvic disorder characterized by the growth of tissue similar to the tissue inside the uterus, but not the same, in locations outside the uterus. This tissue can grow on various parts of the body such as the ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix, the surface of the bladder, bowel, and even distant organs. The growths caused by endometriosis can lead to pain, scarring, and in some cases, infertility. The pain is usually a result of menstrual bleeding from these tissues. Unlike the endometrium inside the uterus, the blood from endometriosis tissue outside the uterus has no means of escaping the body, leading to increased pressure and inflammation, which can result in debilitating pain.

Do you do excision surgery?

Yes. We have two of the best endometriosis excision surgeons in the world: Dr. William Kondo and Dr. Ramiro Cabrera. These two doctors are Master Surgeons certified by iCareBetter and Endo Latam for their outstanding skills. Their multidisciplinary surgical team helps them operate on complex cases involving bowel, bladder, and other regions.

What fertility services do you have?

Our fertility specialist, Dr. Fabián Walters, is a specialist with over 20 years of experience. As the founder and director of one of Mexico’s leading fertility centers, Dr. Walters’ extensive experience in treating patients from various global backgrounds ensures our group’s effectiveness in addressing the reproductive needs of endometriosis patients, offering high standards in complex reproductive treatments such as in vitro fertilization, PGT for high-complexity genetic studies, egg donation programs, and more, serving northern Mexico and with international experience with patients from the USA and other parts of the world.

How is endometriosis diagnosed?

Diagnosing endometriosis involves several steps. Initially, a history and physical exam are conducted where your doctor will assess your abdomen and pelvis for any signs of swelling or tenderness. Blood work may also be ordered to check hormone levels and screen for other conditions with similar symptoms. Imaging tests such as an ultrasound or MRI scan may be ordered to better visualize your reproductive organs and rule out any other possible causes of your symptoms. Ultrasounds use sound waves to create images of internal organs, while MRIs use magnetic fields to produce detailed images of soft tissue structures like the uterus and ovaries.However, the gold standard for diagnosing endometriosis is laparoscopy, a minimally invasive surgery. This is usually considered after the initial tests. It’s important to note that endometriosis can be challenging to diagnose as symptoms can vary widely from person to person and can mimic other conditions.

What if I have symptoms but do not have a confirmed endometriosis diagnosis?

Diagnosis is the first step in the management of endometriosis. At Endo Global Group, we have one of the best radiologists in the world who can help diagnose endometriosis with MRI and Ultrasound. If you have all the classic symptoms and all your scans come negative, we still consider the possibility of having a laparoscopy to visualize inside your body and take samples directly.

Can a companion stay in the hospital with me?

Unfortunately, due to the hospital’s dynamics, we do not permit family members to stay with patients during their hospitalization. However, upon discharge, our group offers accommodation for the nights following the surgery, and there is an option for one accompanying person to stay with you.

If we stay in San Diego, can we get a pass to go back for follow-ups?

If you choose to stay in San Diego for follow-up consultations, we can provide medical passes to facilitate your access to our services during your extended stay.

Do you provide letters for medical leave off work and disability insurance claims?

We can provide you with letters regarding medical leave and disability insurance claims. But please be advised that we do not have any authority to force other organizations to take action based on our letters.