Dr. Ram Cabrera

Endometriosis Specialist, Excision Surgeon, Minimally Invasive GYN Surgeon

I’m deeply committed to providing quality healthcare to endometriosis patients. With years of experience, I have a passion for helping patients of all ages and backgrounds. I take pride in connecting with individuals and providing the care they need.

I am certified by iCareBetter as a Video-Vetted surgeon. This certification means top surgeons in the world have objectively reviewed my surgeries and validated my excellent skills and thoroughness in the excision of endometriosis.

In the constellation of this exceptional ensemble shines the star of Dr. Ramiro Cabrera, a highly recognized Mexican doctor considered one of the most qualified and proven surgeons in Mexico for Endometriosis. Recognized as one of the country’s top surgeons, Dr. Cabrera’s repertoire is adorned with much experience in minimally invasive surgery.

Video Vetted Surgeon

Bladder Endometriosis

Deep Endometriosis​


Bowel Endometriosis


Rachel’s Services

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