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Endometriosis Excision Surgery
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Endometriosis Diagnosis
Diagnosing endometriosis can be a complex process due to the varying symptoms that can mimic other conditions. After initial exams and blood tests, imaging studies such as ultrasound and MRI are critical for diagnosing endometriosis. Imaging tests such as an ultrasound or MRI scan may be ordered to get a better look at your reproductive organs and rule out other possible causes of your symptoms. Ultrasounds use sound waves to create images of internal organs, while MRIs use magnetic fields to produce detailed images of soft tissue structures like the uterus and ovaries. However, the protocols for doing an Ultrasound and MRI and then the expert radiologist who reads the images are the most essential factors in the accuracy of the imaging in detecting endometriosis lesions. In the absence of an exemplary imaging set-up, the gold standard for diagnosing endometriosis is laparoscopy. Laparoscopy allows for direct visualization and taking samples for histology.
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Fertility Assistance
Infertility is a disorder of the reproductive system, defined by the failure to achieve a pregnancy after 6-12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse. Endometriosis is a significant cause of infertility. It is seen in 25%-40% of patients with infertility. Those with infertility are 6-8 times more likely to have endometriosis than fertile women. However, early intervention can reduce morbidity, infertility, and progressive symptomatology, even in the most advanced disease stages. The association between endometriosis and infertility is well supported throughout the literature, but a definite cause-effect relationship is still controversial. Endometriosis affects the organs and the biochemical environment, and impacts gametes and embryos, which can contribute to infertility.
Services Packages
Only one fee for a world class care and travel experience. No surprises and hidden fees.
You pay a transparent fee and we will take care of all your surgical and non-surgical needs in our center. This will include procedures, lab work, accommodation, and local transportation. This fee does not increase if you need a very complex surgery that includes multiple specialists and surgeons.
Excision Surgery
- Virtual Consult
- Pre-Surgical Exam
- Blood Tests
- Excision Surgery
- Post-Op Follow Ups
- Hospital Fee
- Local Transportations
- 4-Star Accommodation
Premium Plan
- Routine Check-up $65
- Annual Physical Exam $80
- Vaccinations $15
- X-rays $15
- Blood Tests $25
- ECG $25
- Injury Treatment $15
- Stitch Removal $10