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Tag: infertility

Can Endometriosis Surgery Lead to Infertility

Can Endometriosis Surgery Lead to Infertility

Endometriosis, a chronic and estrogen-dependent disease, affects about 10%-15% of women of reproductive age, posing significant challenges, including those related to fertility. The interplay between endometriosis and infertility is notably intricate, often leading many to seek endometriosis and infertility treatment. Given the condition’s nature—where tissue akin to the uterine lining grows outside the uterus—understanding the […]

Does Endometriosis Cause Infertility? A Comprehensive Analysis

Does Endometriosis Cause Infertility? A Comprehensive Analysis

Endometriosis is a common gynaecological disorder that affects nearly 10% of women worldwide. Among the various health concerns associated with it, the question, “does endometriosis cause infertility?” is one of the most pressing. This article will explore the relationship between endometriosis and infertility, bringing together insights from various sources to provide a comprehensive understanding of […]